Adopted by Faculty Senate 2/12/16; AE 11/23/22 
Approved by the President 4/1/16 

Faculty Absences 

格鲁吉亚大学系统(USG)的每个机构都有责任 the proper reporting and usage of leave. EGSC follows the Board of Regents Policy for leave reporting in letter and in spirit.

The Board of Regents Policy Manual provides: Sick Leave with Pay 

For all regular full-time USG employees as defined in 8节.1 of the Policy Manual病假按每个自然月一个工作日累计 的服务.

正式兼职员工工作时间在半小时及以上,将累积病假 in an equivalent ratio to their percentage of time employed. Sick leave for employees shall be cumulative.

请病假可由学校自行决定,并经学生主管部门批准 因下列原因缺勤的主管:

        1. Illness or injury of the employee
        2. Medical and dental treatment or consultation
        3. 因员工家中有传染病而被隔离
        4. 雇员的直系亲属患病、受伤或死亡,需要雇员支付 存在

如果连续请病假超过一周,请医生的 雇员-病人需要声明以允许进一步要求病假权利.

离职员工不得累积病假或享受病假待遇 pay after the last working day of his/her or her employment.

雇员在美国政府所属院校调动时,累积的病假将被扣除 be transferred if there is no actual break in service. (BoR Minutes, 1991-92, pp. 354-355)


4.9.1 Interpretation of Sick Leave 

来源: BoR政策 &

全职员工请病假,适用下列规定 与美国政府机构签订9个月或10个月合同的教员 主要是由教师在教学、研究和学术方面的角色所定义的任务 activity, and service:

        1. 教师有责任通知他们的直接主管任何疾病 prohibits them from meeting their assigned responsibilities.
        2. 在请病假时,教师将以整学时为单位请假 sick as defined by the 劳工政策8.2.7全天为八(8)小时,半天为四(4)小时或更少 而在缺勤一小时的基础上加上半天,相当于整整一周的缺勤 of a forty-hour workweek.
        3. 本政策中的任何内容都不应被解释为表明教师的标准化工作 时间表.

教员每学期应按学院公布的日期和时间报到. 只有极端紧急情况才被认为是不按时报告的有效借口. 如果教职员工无法报到,他或她应通知相应的校园 协调员兼教务与学生事务副主席(VPASA 尽可能. The VPASA will notify the president.

学年教员(10个月)可请事假和病假. 学术 year faculty do not have annual leave. However, twelve-month faculty may request professional, sick, and annual leave. Professional leave is requested through Campus Coordinator.

而教师应该努力与他们的班级见面,保持他们的办公室 hours, occasions do arise that make this impossible. In the event faculty must be 由于上述校董会政策所述的任何情况而缺席的,他们应该 通过适当的渠道申请病假. Anticipated absences, 如预定的手术,应通过ADP提出要求. Emergency or unanticipated 缺勤应向校园协调员报告,并在书面申请上报告 for Leave Form upon the faculty member’s return to work. If the faculty member accrues 连续缺勤超过一周,他或她必须提交体检报告 由其医生向校园协调员提供的证明(以便转交给) the Office of Human Resources).

当教师必须离开他们的职责时,他们应该提供任务或安排 for classes to be met in some way. The Campus Coordinator should assist the faculty in making sure the classes are met. If faculty teach at one of the College’s external 校园,他们应该通知校外的主管他们的 absence, as well.

As stated in item 4.9.1.上述USG学术和学生手册第3条“没有 在此政策中,应解释为表明教师工作的标准化 时间表.“这种缺乏标准化时间表的情况需要一些灵活性 number of hours attributed to sick leave. For example, a faculty member may not be 能够与他或她面对面上课或办公时间,但他或她可能 能够完成任何十大正规网赌平台课程或办公时间的所有任务 只需要报告实际遗漏的工作时间. In another example 要求灵活性,教师可能会错过50分钟的课,因为医生 预约只应报告一整个小时的病假,而不是一个半小时 (four hours) day of sick leave. 校园协调员应与教师一起决定 the required number of sick leave hours to report. Campus Coordinators shall also 以书面形式向VPASA报告所有缺勤情况,并详细说明缺勤原因.

The Board of Regents Policy Manual provides: Sick Leave without Pay 

员工累计病假用完后无法返回工作岗位的 累积的假期可以被授予一段时间的无薪病假 to exceed one (1) year. 此外,批准的病假应允许员工 有权选择继续他或她的团体保险福利和机构 will continue its share of the cost for such period. All other benefits are prohibited which otherwise would accrue to the employee.

请病假的审批流程见EGSC员工手册 薪酬(须经总裁、人力资源总监批准,并立即生效) 主管),以及当FMLA已用尽时使用无薪病假的程序.

鼓励教师熟悉所有休假政策(包括FLMA和 军事 Leave) of EGSC and the Board of Regents. Further information is available in the Board of Regents Policy Manual, 8节.2.7, and in the 学术 & 学生 十大正规网赌平台事务手册,第四部分.9.1., and in the East 佐治亚州立大学员工手册(见有关休假时间的规定) 工作).